There are so many reasons people seek this alternative to traditional education... but what about these most frequently asked questions... Who can homeschool? Gifted, Special Needs, Average learner, ADD/ADHD, Actors, Athletes, All Kids!!!!!! Some children have difficulty in a public school setting. Children often underserved in a traditional school setting include those who have learning disabilities, hyperactivity, a short attention span, or a low threshold for frustration. Other children well served by homeschooling are gifted students who are under-challenged by the schools, often leading to student boredom. Also well served are athletes and actors who require the flexibility and freedom to adapt their educational schedules. What about Socialization? Children who are homeschooled, traditionally, are socialized in a manner much more in keeping with the diverse social interaction employed by adults of all ages. They meet and interact with children and adults of varied ages and cultures, within an open framework. School children, by contrast, are mostly constrained from this broad and true socialization model. Indeed, at times, the socialization effects on the child attending school may lead to harmful or negative consequences. Some of those consequences might include negative peer influences, anxiety, depression, negative behavior at home, loss of self-esteem, feelings of alienation, and limited educational success. How Do I Homeschool? You may choose to follow a strict school at home model, an unschooling approach, or fall somewhere in between. Our program allows you the flexibility and support to find your child's best fit. To Test or Not to Test ? While traditional public schools, public charters, public school district independent study programs and some private schools require that their students take yearly standardized tests, Arbor Academy does not require these tests. So What about Homework ? It is quite common for traditionally schooled children to experience stress (sometimes severe) regarding homework. Some students receive lower grades, fail classes, drop classes, drop out of school, suffer extreme anxiety, are deprived the time for any pleasurable activities all because of homework! Self-esteem and family relationships can be made to suffer.
Happily, homeschoolers do not have to experience any of the possibly negative effects of homework.
A Background on Homework: Ideally, homework should give students the opportunity to practice and reinforce skills and concepts learned in the classroom. Homework should allow the child to practice, review, and reinforce material presented in class. Homework can also be used to integrate separately learned skills and concepts and apply them in a single product (such as a book report or science project). It can also be used as an extension (transferring previously learned skills and concepts to other situations and across the curriculum). Finally, homework should not be excessive. Unfortunately, there are many inherent problems surrounding the whole homework issue. First, consider the fact that children have been (mostly sitting) in school for six hours doing "seatwork" for most of the day. (Do you enjoy taking work home with you from your job?) They may have energy to burn off and need to change gears for the rest of the day. Some children may just simply be exhausted after a rigorous school day. Others may have trouble focusing on lengthy assignments (or too difficult) assignments. (This may, in turn, lead to meltdowns at home.) Deprived of adequate time in school, teachers may attempt to teach concepts and skills solely through homework. The child is unprepared to tackle this material alone. Assignments may also be irrelevant, not at all meaningful to furthering a child's understanding of class work. Some teachers give assignments that take an unreasonable amount of time to complete. (Each school or school district usually provides guidelines about the quantity of homework according to grade level.) While some teachers may be accommodating and just excuse the child from completing any assignment that takes her too much time, others may not. (Homework can weigh heavily into a final grade in the class.) Besides, the assignment that may take one child 20 minutes to complete, may take another child 60 minutes. Additionally, although it may be reasonable for a teacher to check whether a student has completed (or attempted) an assignment, it is not reasonable for a homework assignment to be used as an assessment. However, this is not always the practice; some teachers will grade homework for correctness (even if the assignment wasn't previously covered in class). One last word on homework: homework is more meaningful (and provides for better skill and concept enhancement) if the student if given choices about the method. For example, when given a specific topic, one student may want to write an essay, while one may want to build a model, another paint an illustration, yet another may want to do an oral presentation. | 
| Methods of Homeschooling There are as many methods of homeschooling as there are homeschoolers; several popular methods are highlighted below. |